dinsdag 23 maart 2010


Leaving on a trip normally involves a lot of advanced planning when you're backpacking, at least for me.
I always start preparing my trip a couple of months in advance, you can call it virtual travelling; deciding what country to visit, hunting down the cheapest air plane tickets, discovering the country online, looking up other travellers experiences, picking the places I really want to see, constantly replanning the route I want to follow, checking out how to get from A to B, making a list of available "in-budget" guesthouses, looking up how expensive it all will be and trying to fit everything into the available budget, checking where I can go in case of troubles, etc etc...
In short, for me travelling starts a couple of months before the actual departure date, all the planning is a huge part of the adventure which causes a constantly increasing "happy buzz" the closer I get to that D-Day (departure day).

Not so this time :-(
Why ? Because there's nothing to plan, nothing to arrange, nothing to worry or care about (except from getting the running shitters).
And that always increasing happy buzz before departure ? Well it's simply not there which is kinda sad actually.
It's only 36 hours before I leave and I still didn't bother to pack my bag or decide what clothes to take.
The fact that I'm leaving seems so unreal, as if my brain refuses to register that the clock is ticking rapidly.
Or am I already an Alzheimer case ?

Anyway, I'm very happy to leave and to discover things I never saw or experienced before but traveling this way still feels strange.

just my 2 cents

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